Toady I was told I am running the checklists. Oh and I was taxiing, oh and since you are on the runway you can take off. Sheer terror…I did take off, but I did not anticipate HOW MUCH RIGHT RUDDER you need. So, I was very left on the runway, centre line…what centre line.
I had no idea of the speed, at which point we left the ground, or if the instructor said words to me. I was going left and it was all i could think of was to get off more right and up. That is about all I remember for this take off, first time jitters.
We worked on exercise 6 Straight and Level Flight from the Flight Training manual. In comparison to what I felt on take off that lesson was easy.
Clearish day, gusty. Slow checklist kept flight hours to 0.8 Hours 2.5 Total